Sunday, November 11, 2007

No updates until 30th November

"Picture Me In..." will be down for the next 3 weeks due to server error (Administrator's mind is having downtime). Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Just to keep you entertained in the meantime.
This is nature (God's creation).

Drinking water from a stream in Yosemite National Park

Sitting at the edge of the cliff at Yosemite National Park

Come visit this blog again after 30th November for wonderful pictures that take your breath away! Till then, TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
*Next update: "Picture Me In YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK"

- Courtesy of "My Memories of 2006"


Grace Sook Kwin said...

awesome the waterfalls man!!

Jonathan said...

Yo... where are the updates???